We believe that IT security, information security, and data protection are essential for economic prosperity and a democratic society. As an independent association, we are dedicated to shaping technological, political, and social developments in these areas, because we are firmly convinced that this task can only be mastered collectively. Our goal is therefore to network players from business and science with an interested public. We are committed to this with the help of the expertise of our members in Bavaria, Germany and Europe.

  • Support for company collaborations
  • Public relations
  • Support in the evaluation and recruitment of staff
  • Foster collaboration between science and industry
  • Promote IT security research and education
  • Inform about security risks and solutions
  • To provide information about security risks and their technical and organisational solutions
  • To present the Cluster’s members and their security expertise
  • To launch and mentor company start-ups

Research, teaching and development

The IT-Sicherheitscluster e. V. is an organization that is close to research, development and teaching in information security as well as IT security. Meanwhile, 18 universities or colleges are members. In addition, university members are actively involved in our board of directors. Research and development are in our DNA!

We support science and scientists

Our work is driven by the idea that the further development of the cluster core topics is necessary on a scientific basis. Moreover, research results should benefit our members from the economy in many ways. Therefore, we plan and project with and for our members. On the following pages we present our current engagement.

Funding topics

This topic area is chiefly concerned with legally compliant security solutions for cloud computing and with secure SMB services in the cloud.

In just a few short years, cloud computing has developed into a very complex and dynamic area of IT. Nevertheless, some users have their reservations, using cloud services such as Evernote, Doodle or Google docs themselves, whilst being reluctant to make use of their equivalents at company level. This sceptical attitude is bound to change with time, primarily because the effects of deliberations about data protection and IT security are beginning to make themselves noticed and are increasingly being implemented.

When it comes to compliance with the law, cloud computing confronts businesses with a variety of practical problems. In practice, compliance with data protection and confidentiality laws, evidence of compliance certification and contract law are often particularly neglected.

GoAIR-ITSEC – Development of a cross-cluster and cross-domain service portfolio for information security in artificial intelligence.

The project „goAIR – Artificial Intelligence Regensburg“ is part of the AIR initiative (https://www.air-regensburg.de), which activated the regional Triple Helix starting from an impulse of the city of Regensburg. AIR was formed in February 2020 and since then bundles all interests around and with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Regensburg region – both by addressing technical-economic as well as social aspects. In addition to large companies such as Continental, Infineon, and Osram SC, the main players in AIR are SMEs such as Tiki GmbH and trinnovative GmbH.

ISA+ Information Security Analysis

The ISA+ Information Security Analysis is a 50-question assessment to determine the state of IT security in your own company. The analysis can be performed independently, even without technical knowledge.

With the support of an accredited consultant, the strengths and weaknesses of the company in the implementation of information security can also be specifically identified. This results in concrete recommendations for action. At the end of the joint process, there is the possibility of independent certification. ISA+ information security analysis software can be used to support the process. Use the iris software to carry out your ISA+ information security analysis audits effectively and efficiently. In addition to automated reports, this also supports in particular the closure of weak points and the implementation process of necessary measures. The result is a sustainably increased security level. For further information please visit: www.ibi-systems.de or send an e-mail request to info[ @ ]ibi-systems.de.

The public questionnaire (without levels of maturity) can be downloaded here :

Download questionnaire